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Economic Empowerment

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Economic Empowerment

Creating a path to financial independence

Peaceful Paths’ Economic Empowerment Program is designed to help survivors overcome economic abuse and become financially self-sufficient. The program began in 2008 as a pilot program in Florida, addressing the unique needs of survivors through a networking of service providers, community partnerships, education and asset building. The program is well established today and provides economic services to hundreds of survivors every year. The program consists of several components that continue to grow, offering a range of opportunities to survivors as they work to become financially independent. The program is open to any survivor of domestic violence within our service area (Alachua, Bradford and Union County).


Clients must complete an intake session before attending classes. For more information on new client intake please click here.


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Financial Literacy

Our interactive weekly seminars called LIFE (Live Independently Financially Empowered) address many aspects of finances including understanding economic abuse, safety planning, budgeting, organizing, credit issues and long-term financial planning for retirement. 

Job Readiness

Employment is key to establishing a solid financial plan. We connect participants with professionals to increase their employability skills including resume writing, mock interviews, computer classes and access to additional community resources. We continue to expand our connections with community professionals who bring unique opportunities for learning and growth to our survivors.


Our mentors are successful, independent professionals who have come forward to share their strengths, wisdom and leadership with program participants working to rebuild a safe and healthy support network.


Peaceful Paths Coordinated Entry Program uses a Housing First model to assist with obtaining permanent, affordable housing. We work with individuals and families experiencing homelessness due to domestic violence. We provide the supportive services and community connections needed to retain housing and avoid returning to homelessness. We provide assistance that promotes safety, respectful landlord and tenant interaction, independence, and long-term housing stability.

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