Violence Prevention Education

Educating Youth:
Violence Prevention
Ending Dating Violence With Youth Education
Peaceful Paths’ Violence Prevention program is committed to promoting healthy relationships. Our program aims to enhance awareness and provide skills and tools that identify and address fostering fair, equitable and safe communities. We address all forms of oppression that contribute to and support intimate partner violence, and we work to create healthy relationships in all aspects of life.
Our approach is a primary prevention approach, meaning working to stop intimate partner violence before it begins. We work toward our goals through multi-session youth presentations, (professional trainings and broader community education presentations available too). We hope to provide youth the skills to engage in healthy relationships, while providing adults the tools to support healthy relationship choices.
Our multi-session youth curriculum adheres to the Sunshine State Standards and incorporates research-based strategies. Our program has been developed by former teachers, alongside current teachers. We understand teachers' needs and work with them to incorporate information on healthy relationships into the curriculum as seamlessly as possible.
Violence Prevention Curriculum
Our research-based, age-appropriate curriculum covers the following content areas:
Defining healthy/unhealthy relationships
Assertive communication
Media literacy
Peer support
Sexual harassment
Current Projects
Offer youth programming at schools and other youth-serving programs
Facilitate professional training
Offer community education and awareness programs
Offer technical assistance for prevention planning throughout the community
Develop social marketing and awareness campaign materials
Teen Dating Violence Statistics
1 in 3 teenagers report knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped, choked or physically hurt by their partner.
1 in 4 teenage girls who have been in relationships reveal they have been pressured to perform oral sex or engage in intercourse.
More than 1 in 4 teenage girls in a relationship (26%) report enduring repeated verbal abuse.
80% of teens regard verbal abuse as a serious issue for their age group.
If trapped in an abusive relationship, 73% said they would turn to a friend for help, while only 33% who have been in or known about an abusive relationship said they have told anyone about it.
For more information about our Youth Prevention Program, professional trainings or community education programs, contact our Director of Education & Youth Programs, Hannah Thompson, at 352.377.5690 ext. 506 or email us at Volunteers@PeacefulPaths.org. We work with each group, school, organization or business individually to develop appropriate training programs.

Related Links
What Is Teen Dating Abuse?
Teen dating abuse is... A pattern of violent behavior that one person uses to gain power and control of their current or ex-dating partner.
You should know...You can play an important role in helping your teen recognize abuse and get the help they need. Not sure if your teen is in trouble? If you know the signs to look for, you might be able to recognize an abusive relationship before it becomes dangerous. Don’t try to control the situation. As an adult, your instinct may be to jump in and protect your teen. Use resources and speak to your teen.
Abusive relationship signs. Your teen.....
Is depressed or anxious.
Has stopped seeing friends and family.
Has a change in appearance and personality.
Lost interest in activities they once cared about.
Constantly worries about making their partner angry.
Has unexplained marks or injuries with nonsensical explanations.
Healthy relationship behaviors are based on...
Equality and respect.
Independence and autonomy.
Trust and support.
Honesty and accountability.
Shared responsibility.
Healthy communication.
Negotiation and fairness.
Non-threatening behavior.

of U.S. teens involved in a violent
relationship were more likely to
confide in a friend versus an adult.
Teen Power
& Control
of U.S. high school students who experienced dating abuse have attempted suicide, with 9 out of 10 seriously contemplating it.
of U.S. parents either didn't believe, or were not aware, that teen dating violence was an issue.

of teens who were in an abusive relationship never told anyone.
Supporting Your Teen
Communication Tips
If you feel like your teen may be in an abusive relationship, here are some
ways you may be able to help and provide support when they most need it:
Understand that abuse is complex and affects people differently.
Focus on your teen, not their partner.
Don’t wait for your teen to come to you.
Privacy and confidentiality are key.
Start the conversation by expressing your concerns about certain behaviors or red flags you’ve seen.
Talk about boundaries and consent in every relationship, not just in romantic ones.
Listen and believe your teen, and be mindful not to minimize their relationship due to age,
inexperience, or the length of their relationship. -
Withhold negative remarks about their partner and don’t confront the abuser.
Acknowledge their feelings and respect decisions, even if you do not approve or
agree with them. -
Stay calm.
Refrain from making demands, giving ultimatums, or offering advice.
Provide resources and information.
Don’t blame your teen for what is happening.
Remind your teen that they deserve a healthy, violence-free relationship and that they didn’t
cause this, abuse is NEVER appropriate and NEVER their fault. -
Don’t try to fix this by yourself, there are a number of resources included below. You can call Peaceful Paths 24-hour hotline every day of the year at (352) 377-8255.